Eligibilities Granted under Special Laws and CSC Issuances

The career service examination is not the be-all and end-all of acquiring civil service eligibility. Do you know that the CSC also grants eligibilities other than the Career Service Professional and Sub-Professional eligibilities? You can acquire a civil service eligibility even without taking the Career Service Examination. The CSC for some time now has been granting eleven (11) different eligibilities under special laws to qualified individuals. You may be qualified for the grant of any of these eligibilities.

  • Bar/Board Eligibility (RA1080)
  • Barangay Health Worker Eligibility (RA7883)
  • Barangay Nutrition Scholar Eligibility (PD1569)
  • Barangay Official Eligibility (RA 7160)
  • Electronic Data Processing Specialist Eligibility (CSC Res. 90-083)
  • Foreign School Honor Graduate Eligibility (CSC Res. 1302714)
  • Honor Graduate Eligibility (PD907)
  • Sanggunian Member Eligibility (RA 10156)
  • Scientific and Technological Specialist Eligibility (PD 997)
  • Skills Eligibility - Category II (CSC MC 11, s. 1996, as Amended)
  • Veteran Preference Rating (EO 132/790)

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